shabby Halloween

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Personal Opinion on Mix Marriages - Disagree

Assalamualaikum w.b.t and greetings, readers.

First and foremost, before judging anything, let's just say that, I'm writing this blog, also, as a diary. So what I rant, I complain, I confess, I'll do it here. (dah nama pun blog kan, kan. Bukan bolognese eh?eh?eh? ER =_=)

But most of the time, I'm an offensive type of writer. Not the joke, funny type, my mood swings a lot and I like to criticise society and observe the surroundings. That'll probably create a critical thinking huh? I'll write in full sincerity and honesty. May it be boast nor humble, I'm very direct in writing. You may find it offensive. So, before starting to read it, you better heed my warning and considerate about reading it all. LEL :V

Since I'm a half-mix race, and I speak multiple languages at a time(pretty much mixed up.LOL), so let's just use the ROJAK medium! LOL!


Well, topik ni agak hangat sebab ada menyentuh isu sensitif. Ramai orang sebab nak elak gaduh and whatsoever yang negatif with spices all over, mulalah promote perkahwinan campur sebagai sesuatu yang positif. Well, that was just my opinion.

I'm a mix, not jauh-jauh punyalah (lame for siapa yg bangga sgt tu =_=) yg half ni pun, dah terasa bahang daripada keluarga kahwin campur ni.
//Note that, saya pernah tinggal dgn keluarga Chinese sejak kecil smpai suatu masa, so I'm pretty much closer to the chinese family, dan sekarang baru jinak2 dgn yg keluarga Melayu. Tp saya selesa bergaul dan segala kerja harian saya, adalah bersama masyarakat Melayu. In short, my lifestyle is more to Malays nowadays, rather than Chinese back then. (It's like a transformation! See! Transformers! I'm fabulous bebeh ) However, I'm comfortable and adapted with both lifestyles.
That's pretty much about the preliminary of my background.
Offensive tak? Ada rasa boastful tak? huhh? huhhh? ^_^ Well, actually, NO. I'm actually writing this in annoyance. Sorry T_T

So, to cut it easy, I'm focusing basically and mainly on Chinese and Malay race, that I was born to be adapted with.
  •  First point, saya rasa tukar agama kepada Islam itu memang bagus. Tapi niatlah kerana Allah, bukan kerana a person or in specific, spouse. Nanti menyesal, atau sesudah sekerat belajar, hati berubah, atau terdetik kesusahan dalam agama Islam, habislah. Dikhuatirkan menjadi munafik kelak, atau mualaff yang tidak mengikut ajaran Tuhan, itu akan menjadi masalah dan betul-betul membebankan. Bukan senang nak pulih hati orang yang dah keras tak seperti masa dia baru masuk islam :( I worship and respect my religion ok, so, jangan sesekali mempermainkannya.
  •  Secondly, I just don't like how the Chinese, eventually, gave up their living style dan hidup cara seperti seorang Melayu. Pandangan saya, mereka SLOWLY, ada asimilasi dalam identiti, dan saya tak suka pada kekeliruan dan campuran itu, sebab saya percaya, tradisi dan originaliti bangsa will fade away. Even dalam pergaulan, mereka ini disisihkan oleh bangsa sendiri kerana dikatakan mereka lupa identiti! Sungguh kesian keadaan ini. Malay lifestyle will dominate it. So, in real life case, they're easily adapted with the negative deeds of Meleis rather than good ones. Sad but true. Hey! I'm not trying to be racist or prejudice here. I'm just being real and I HATE RACISM. Contohnya, berpoligami (but in lack of things), dan menggunakan agama sebagai alasan. Ini semua pengaruh kawan.
  • Thirdly, oh, this is just me, but hey! Bagi chinese lady, I don't understand why would you choose a Malay guy. Sudahlah Malay guys dah sikit yang boleh pakai, bagi lah peluang pada sebangsa. Kalau peluk Islam kerana Islam itu sendiri, why not sebarkan pada jejaka Cina yang lain juga? I have acquaintances whereby both husband and wife are mualaff. So sweet, kan? :)
  • Fourth, Artikel 160(2) Perlembagaan Persekutuan memperincikan definisi 'Melayu' sebagai seorang yang beragama Islam, bertutur dalam Bahasa Melayu dan mengamalkan adat dan cara hidup sebagai Melayu. Baru-baru ini pula, ada kes mualaff membuat rayuan agar mereka ditakrifkan sebagai Melayu bawah Artikel ini. Persoalannya, mana hak istimewa Melayu dan Bumiputera sebenar, sekiranya bilangan golongan ini meningkat sehingga mencecah majoriti? Persoalan kedua, sekali lagi, saya ingin mengutarakan, di manakah identiti, bangsa dan keturunan sebenar seseorang individu jikalau dicampuradukkan? It's so confusing in many ways dan obviously, menyusahkan.
  • Like what my Family Law lecturer had said, she's right. Apabila adanya perkahwinan campur, memang akan ada isitilah percanggahan bidang kuasa mahkamah, sama ada sivil atau syariah. Ini juga akan membebankan pelbagai pihak apabila masalah timbul. Adakah suatu rumahtangga itu akan dijamin bahagia? Perkahwinan pecah belah antara perbezaan bangsa, dan kemungkinan converted religion turut akan menjejaskan kehidupan anak-anak. Think about further and future, not only your holy wishes in present.
  • Kerana pilihan hati, adakah restu keluarga diabaikan? I seriously think that, a family's blessing is the most important thing to be obtained, rather than your selfish little 'holy' wish. Permintaan suci sangattt
  •  Anak mix tend to be boastful, bangga diri, riak, takbur, syirik Khafi(I think.LOL) (Frankly, I'm one of them because I have specialty in speaking Cantonese and Mandarin. Oh, I must be writing this while I'm drunk. So riak. XD) So, I don't think it's a good environment to be created. You'll see mix children in the society, tends to have higher rank than some of the other inferiors. OK.OK. Not all, DUH, I know that, but you can see 'some' or 'most' depending on your environment and situation.
  • Last but not least, I believe that retaining one's identity is the best. Asimilasi perlu ada, but not to change it wholly. Preserve your tradition, culture and your noble race. That way, 1 Malaysia can be achieved by sharing and caring. Not fully changing and forgetting who you are.
    What and where's your identity?

    End of rant. Above all these, I actually have a quite friendly environment, there ARE racisms everywhere, race issues are just silent nowadays to prevent dramatic scenes from happening. But overall, I'm happy with my life, pretty much appreciate it as a mix child. My parents are also, alhamdulillah, doing fine. All these points are just my personal view and opinion on mix marriages, and of course, there's no denying that not all my points are true, you can give some other examples based on your life views. I didn't say that all the negatives happen to all.
    Again, it's just opinions on why would I oppose mix marriages. Basically, I dislike it in literally. End of story.