shabby Halloween

Tuesday 21 May 2013

~PROLOGUE~ First Entry!!!

                             GREETINGS AND A VERY GOOD DAY TO ALL!

Okay, here's the very first post of mine...! I repeat, FIRST POST! XD It's a rush entry, and even layouts and design aren't that entertaining, huh? Awrite, awrite,I know, I know~ Uhm... I know it looks dull...But, hey! This is the first time me being serious about creating a blog 'kay! Have mercy will ya ? (>_<)  #kidding# I'm nice, I won't bite in my first entry (^w^/) Maybe later~ LOL~ *grins* I am going to improve and learn more, so, not to being details, I would pretty much appreciate help and support from senior bloggers and readers! 
:D <=== Look, even the smileys are cliche! X3 Oh noes! *palms on cheeks* \>O</ I better work up for prologue! It should've been better for my very2 first entry! *laughs*
Furthermore, I haven't even introduce myself to the audience, huh? Wait...!will there be any readers neway? *ish shad and faces down, towards the ground* (T___________T)Oh~please do, in the future! This is my wish along creating a blog! #TROLL#
I knew that there wouldn't be, so I won't be self-flattering by telling introductions and all the good stories about moi <3 to ghost! Yes, GHOST, I tell you #sad#
Anyway, enjoy reading, and I'll keep update time, by time! :3
See ya!